The Double Life of the Moya float

Belonging to the new generation of the artistic movement « Ecole de Nice », Patrick Moya is also a digital artist considered as "a pioneer of virtual worlds", because of his « Moya island »  in Second Life, designed as an immersive artistic universe.
In this year 2009, he is, for the first time, one of the "Ymagiers" for the Carnival of Nice. His float, produced by the young Cédric Pignataro, is an evocation of profiles and masks that we build on social networks such as Facebook and Second Life.
After Firenze in Italy (a room in the anthropology musuem dedicated to Moya in the exhibition « Rinascimento Virtuale », October-January 2009) and after Monaco (very big paintings exhibited in the entrance of International Circus Festival for the third year, January 2009), Moya come back in Nice, to see the parade of his carnival float, which show his work in Second Life  : a gigantic "moya" with glasses, « double » of the artist, is seated in front of a computer, and make turning heads as masks.
Here we find the Moya’s universe, in giant size, Dolly the little sheep and the blue elephant, Pinochio and the orange teddy bear ...
The style of the french artist has been respected by Cedric Pignataro, who is since a long time a « Moya’s fan ». Moya is happy of his float : « my Dolly has finally a profile and it is a beautiful profile ! ».
And he wants also to paint himself a great « mural » with his characters on the float and Pignataro is ok. He said : « for the first time, a float will show a movie made by one artist. ».
What will be this movie ?  Nobody knows at that time !
The reality is not enough for Moya : it is the reason why he asked to « Moya Janus », his avatar in Second Life, to build a float in the virtual world, where are turning also masks of ... avatars !
Perhaps the work of Patrick Moya is also a kind of « masquerade » where the artist is lost between the various avatars of himself !?

BIO : Patrick MOYA. Artist, lives and works in Nice ... and in Second Life. 

From big steel sculptures erected in Asia to little ceramic’s beds made in Italy, from brushes to computer, from techno nights to murals in a catholic chapel, from contemporary to digital art, Patrick Moya is everywhere. With always the same and single excuse : his name and his image.
Born in 1955, he studies Fine Arts in Villa Arson, Nice, then is « model » in the  fine arts school, for becoming "the creature rather than the creator."
He begins working with the letters of his name, MOYA, saying that the signature is art, before creating his little character, funny self-portrait soon surrounded by an almost human bestiary.
He is today the owner of an island in Second Life, which is an submersive global art work.
The creator is finally became a creature with the name of his avatar, Moya Janus, which receives the visitors into his universe.
Is Moya « one of the great pioneers of the digital universe" as said by the critic Mario Gerosa, a specialist in virtual worlds and editor in chief of AD magazine Italy ?
Gerosa has organized in Florence (Italy), the first major exhibition about « Art in Second Life », under the title "Rinascimento Virtuale" :  this exhibition was held until January 2009 in the museum of Anthropology of the City of the Renaissance, and an entire room was devoted to the "Moya civilization", highlighting the rich life of a complete artist, able to pass without transition from traditional painting on the walls of a catholic chapel to its reproduction in a 3D virtual world, where he lives a "second life" of a creature playing to be an Artist !

More about the Moya Island in Second Life

You are entering here on an island completely dedicated to Art, where all is made with real and virtual works of the french artist Patrick Moya.
The differents museums show  all the artistic work (paintings, sculptures, ceramics, digital and 3D images) - the shopping center use paintings made for any precise and particular reason, the "biennale di Moya" show, in his pavillions, the works created in each differents countries, the dancing presents the famous little "sheep" created by Moya for the teckno parties called Dolly Party".
At the top of the old village, a copy of the Moya Chapel who is in RL located in Clans, nearby Nice, on the french Riviera, and many other surprises …

official website : MOYAPATRICK.COM
artist contact :